The Demographic and Geographic Variations Mediate Fecal and Oral Microbial Dynamics Alteration in Human Population of District Faisalabad


Muhammad Aslam*

The gut microbiome offers numerous advantages to the hosts, through a variety of physiological mechanisms like firming up gut integrity or shaping the intestinal epithelium. Studies showed 2172 species are identified and isolated from human beings, ordered into twelve different phyla, of which 93.5% belonged to Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria. Out of the 12, three phyla are identified. Human microbial communities are affected by the host external factors like dietary patterns, lifestyle factors, antibiotic usage, internal factors gender, host genotype, age and race. To analyze the dysbiosis and bacterial variation in different areas of District Faisalabad 10,000 individuals of age 25–35 years were recruited from two different rural and urban localities. The oral swab and fecal sample were collected according to prescribed manner. The collected samples from demographically and geographically distinct regions of District Faisalabad were subjected to DNA extraction and quantification. The amplification of 16S rRNA was carried out by PCR and visualized through a transilluminator. The results revealed significant elevated, % abundance of fecal microbial profile Blautia spp, Firmicutes, Ruminococcaceae, in rural population however non-significant difference % abundance of total Bifido, E. coli, Fecali bacteria, total Lactobacillus were identified in both demographically distinct regions. The pathogenic Gamma Protebacteria, Fusobacterium, Campylobacter coli were not detected in both study areas. Out of five orally detected microbial profiles, elevated % abundance of Firmicutes was detected in rural population however non-significant difference was observed in % abundance of total Bifido and E. coli in both populations. Total Lactobacillus and Fusobacterium were not detected in oral sample of both urban and rural population. Conclusively, this research accomplished the potential effects of demographic and geographical induced dysbiosis in the normal microbiome of the oral cavity and intestine that might be due to the reason for dysbiosis associated disorders.